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Brain Injury Survivor Stories

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Frank Scott

The disruption of my brain began when I woke up one morning in June of 2006. I got up, started down the hallway and noticed my balance was gone. I kept bumping into the wall and couldn't read. I knew right away something was wrong. I woke up my son and instructed him to drive me to Loma Linda Hospital to determine what was going on. I called my girlfriend and explained to her what was going on she said she would meet us at Loma Linda.

Once there, the surgeons ran tests and diagnosed the brain had bled deep on the right side of my brain because of a malformation of a blood vessel and the effects of the blood in the brain resulted in dramatically reducing my motor skills and muscle control on the left side. In the beginning it was so bad I couldn’t hold my head up or keep it straight.

The Loma Linda physical therapists worked with me and corrected the motor control on my neck with the website Power Center.

It was alarming to say the least, but with faith in the lord and support and prayers from family and friends I moved forward with more therapy by walking with a cane, but grew concerned if I would ever return to my broadcasting career in the high desert. I did work for a year when I was released in August 2006 but then laid off in November of 2007. That's when my economy took a downturn and I experienced a full range of emotions. I also lost my peripheral vision on the left side so I can't drive and I finally received my Medicare in 2008 and I have returned to physical therapy.

During that time of waiting for health care I wanted to do something I wanted to return to work. I am working with the Department of Rehabilitation trying to find work or go back to school. My brain I believe has healed some as more motor functions return and I can handle stress better. I was all over the internet looking for that perfect at home job, but came up short so I might explore the options of an at home production studio and maybe apply for grants to help start it up and hire the disabled. The lord gave me many good years of experience in broadcasting so I would like to put it to good use and possibly utilize my experiences to help others who have sustained a traumatic brain injury.

It is not an easy road to recovery. It takes faith in God. It takes strong family ties and great friends who care and will endure with you and love you unconditionally no matter what you say or do because they know it is the result of the injury or surgery.

I remember what it says in the book of James when we face these trials: my brothers and sisters,4consider it nothing but joy5 when you fall into all sorts of trials, 1:3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 1:4 and let endurance have its perfect effect, so that you will be perfect and complete, not deficient in anything. 1:5 but if anyone is deficient in wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without reprimand, and it will be given to him. 1:6 but he must ask in faith without doubting, Amen.

The lord has given generously to me and he will give to you All you do is ask

Author: Lisa Moss

Categories: Brain Injury BiosNumber of views: 4068

Tags: Brain Injury

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