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Brain Injury Survivor Stories

Caring for the Caregivers Orange County

  • 3/16/2017 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Author: Lisa Moss
  • Number of views: 4320
Caring for the Caregivers Orange County

Black Bear Diner

7005 Knott Ave.

Buena Park, Ca

5:30 PM - 7: 30 PM

Come out and enjoy an evening with other caregivers  while sharing support, resources, and friendship. RSVP to Valerie at ( 760)987-1952 or email the Sunday prior to the outing.

Arthur Moss III

  • 19 June 2009
  • Author: Lisa Moss
  • Number of views: 8453

On August 6, 2005, Arthur Moss III, left home to join a group of nine friends heading to Sturgis, South Dakota, to fulfill a lifelong dream.  By the time he got to Utah, that dream had turned into a nightmare.  Riding the 1999 Honda Shadow Aero he had customized himself, Moss and others were completing a pass, when suddenly, with no signal, a Chevy truck towing a horse trailer traveling in front of the group of motorcyclists, turned left in front of them, causing the drivers to scatter around to avoid collision.  Moss was forced head-on into the horse trailer, at approximately 40MPH.

Kevin Santos' Personal Story

  • 23 March 2009
  • Author: Lisa Moss
  • Number of views: 7360

The Story of a Minor Who Had So Much

The day was July 19th, 2004, at about 4:20 in the evening, the summer before my senior year in high school; I was on my way home from work, working at my dream in a law office the day of my accident. The office personnel had already informed me that I would be welcome to join their firm once I did obtain my law degree, which would, granted, be many years in the future. But still, to already have job security at the age of 17. How many kids can say that?

Tom Erwine

  • 22 March 2009
  • Author: Lisa Moss
  • Number of views: 7032

On May 20, 2013, I was on a well-deserved vacation riding my motorcycle with a group of friends when my accident occurred. I was on a twisty desert road in Arizona when somehow I lost control and crashed. My bike left the road and a tree branch impacted with my neck. My motorcycle flipped and I was catapulted forward. 

The Forker Project

  • 21 March 2009
  • Author: Lisa Moss
  • Number of views: 7813

Valerie Forker was devastated when her 20-year-old son, Jeff, suffered a severe traumatic brain injury in a car accident four years ago. In an instant, Jeff Forker went from an independent young man with the world in front of him to one who required care 24 hours a day, seven days a week — possibly for the rest of his life.

Chris Thornhill

  • 20 March 2009
  • Author: Lisa Moss
  • Number of views: 6753

A Thankful Young man

My name is Chris Thornhill and I am 20 years old. When I was 18, three months after I graduated from high school with a 4.0 GPA, I got a brain booboo. I was driving to fast and took out a light post. I was in a coma for 10 days and in the hospital for 2 months. I had a severe brain injury, I broke my right arm, four right ribs, collar bone, leg, and fractured my pelvis. I also had severe lung contusions.

Kelley Hyland

  • 19 March 2009
  • Author: Lisa Moss
  • Number of views: 6660


After Kelley Hyland suffered a traumatic brain injury in a motorcycle accident on Nov. 1, 2007, doctors told his family on several occasions that there was “no hope.” But his family says they have learned that sometimes God has other plans.

Hyland was returning home to Phelan from work in Moreno Valley, where he was a deputy for Riverside County, when a truck pulled in front of him on Highway 138. Hyland struck the rear of the truck and was then airlifted to Arrowhead Regional Medical Center. He remained in a coma for nearly nine months.

Fast and Fearless by Joseph Schmidt

  • 18 March 2009
  • Author: Lisa Moss
  • Number of views: 4025
In every person’s life there are times in which one’s life takes a turning point. These events can stimulate changes for the better or the worse; in either case they shape the rest of that person’s life. Although they may vary in importance and frequency, they equally shape us into the unique individuals that we are. The most profound of these experiences are often traumatic incidents which occur early in life, in childhood. Such is the event that has shaped my own life and made me much of the person I am today; a cruel trick of fate that victimized my siblings and me early in our lifetime.

Frank Scott

  • 17 March 2009
  • Author: Lisa Moss
  • Number of views: 4069

The disruption of my brain began when I woke up one morning in June of 2006. I got up, started down the hallway and noticed my balance was gone. I kept bumping into the wall and couldn't read. I knew right away something was wrong. I woke up my son and instructed him to drive me to Loma Linda Hospital to determine what was going on. I called my girlfriend and explained to her what was going on she said she would meet us at Loma Linda.

On My Own by Elaine Martinez

  • 16 March 2009
  • Author: Lisa Moss
  • Number of views: 5043

My day started as an ordinary one. I got up and fed the kids, talked to an instructor who had become a friend of mine at the University of Wyoming, (UW) where I was in my first year of college at age 36. Though I had no idea what my major was going to be I had reasoned with myself that there were certain general education requirements that had to be met for a degree and I may as well start there. I had recently separated from my son’s father and left him a distance of 325 miles, on the south western side of Wyoming; I was now in Laramie, the south eastern side of the state.


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Lisa Moss
Executive Director



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