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Brainstorming 4 Us News

Thanks to Brainstorming 4 Us

  • 12 July 2010
  • Author: Lisa Moss
  • Number of views: 2335

Brainstorming 4 Us has been an amazing life support for me and my family. On March 22, 2008, I was reborn (T.B.I. survivors refer to their injury date as a rebirth). Due to life basically starting all over again. I was asleep, when my husband heard sounds, and thought I was having a bad dream. When he turned on the lights, he realized I was having a seizure, and had bit my tongue. I also suffered a brain aneurysm, and stroke, before the ambulance arrived at my residence. After being hospitalized, my husband was told, I probably would not survive, due to my critical medical condition. This did not stop "God" from doing what he does best......Granting miracles, when all hope looks blick. From what I'm told there were numerous blick moments. Hospice was called in at one point, but I weathered the storm through God's grace. There was a point in time, when my husband was signing paperwork to have me air lifted to Loma Linda Hospital to have a stint placed in my head to survive. This was when the miracle of "God", and medicine prevailed. My left brain critical bleeding ceased. The doctors stated they have never seen or heard of this process ever occurring. At that point, I no longer needed surgery on my brain to save my life. My husband was told, I would more than likely be in a vegetative state, and or need around the clock care for the rest of my life. I'm here today after learning how to walk, talk, reading, after a second stroke due to receiving vicodin, even though the hospital was advised of my allergic reaction to this medicine. My mouth and right hand were twisted. Left side partial paralysis. Short and long term memory loss, which I haven't overcome. I thank Brainstorming 4 Us for supporting me, and my family. We love you Lisa Moss. You made a huge impact on our lives.

Belinda Taylor

Categories: Testimonials

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Lisa Moss
Executive Director



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