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Brainstorming 4 Us News

Reality of Life with a Brain Injury

Hello my name is Brain Injury

  • 22 March 2019
  • Author: Lisa Moss
  • Number of views: 1801

Hello, my name is Brain Injury, brought to you by four ischemic strokes, a Traumatic Brain Injury, a fall in the shower, gun shot to a head, being hit by a car, motorcycle accident, attempted suicide or an illness such as Encephalitis, Brain Aneurysm or Brain Cancer. You are going to be very sorry we ever met. I am going to turn your life upside down, take away your friends, turn your family against you, leave you alone and steal your identity. You won't know who you are any more. 
You will have to start all over! 
I will turn you into an infant who doesn't know how to chew, swallow, or crawl. I will make sure you have to learn how to sit up, walk, talk, and read again. I will take the things you love to do like reading, drawing, writing, driving, your job, your career, your relationships and so much away from you. Your health now belongs to me. 
You will work by going through years of rehabilitation, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, behavioral therapy and endless medical treatments and medications. You will have years of pain and sadness. You will not be able to call or text your family or friends because you forgot how and who they are. You will have your head shaved, horrendous headaches, tics you can’t stop, debilitating anxiety and seizures, double vision and oh let’s not forget dizziness . I even steal your dreams.
You may think when you leave the hospital you will be free of me, but I haven't even started yet. 
You will completely depend on your family and what friends hung around , yes I stole all your independence along with your finances, (You had retirement money, buddy I ate that up), your dignity, your ability to do the things you love to do. 
While I was at it I figured I might as well make sure family and friends refuse to understand or educate themselves, you will be made fun of for not being able to drive, walk, understand emotions, and much more. I will come between everyone you love and make you awkward and uncomfortable in public, over stimulation is sure to cause a scene. 
Had enough? Too bad because I'm also going to make others call you lazy, accuse you of faking it, or my personal favorite, just trying to get attention. I am going to make noise unbearable, bright lights painful, make you feel like you are going crazy, I'm even going to put thoughts and ideas in your head and you won't know what's real or pretend.
I am Brain Injury, you will be sorry we ever met.
March is Brain Injury Awareness Month ~💚~

Author unknown- modified 3/20/19


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Lisa Moss
Executive Director



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