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Brainstorming 4 Us News

Loma Linda Hospital

  • 19 April 2010
  • Author: Lisa Moss
  • Number of views: 1737

In August 2005 Arthur Moss husband of Lisa Moss received a Severe Traumatic Brain Injury while riding his motorcycle with a group of friends in Hanksville, Utah. Arthur was flown to the University of Utah Trauma Hospital where Author laid in a deep coma. When Lisa arrived she was given the medical update, assigned a social worker and informed he was in a coma. Feeling helpless she began researching information on the internet with her sister-in-law, Tayna Ison to learn the complications, medications, and long term effects of a traumatic brain injury. Lisa and Tonya soon realized there was little information readily available for families when they were thrown into the unknown world of Traumatic Brain Injury.

Within a year Brainstorming 4 Us was born a non-profit agency that provides education, support and brain injury resource bags to Trauma Centers throughout Southern California. Brainstorming 4 Us brain injury resource bags are offered to families at no charge to answer questions pertaining to different types of brain injuries, glossary of terms to help the families understand the medical terms that are being delivered to them during a crisis, diagrams of medical machines, toiletries for the first 24 hours, pad of paper and a pen to write notes or changes in the patient’s recovery.

Loma Linda University Medical Center and Children’s Hospital, (LLUMC & CH), began distributing the brain injury bags in 2006 and has placed over 150 bags in the hands of families dealing with a Traumatic Brain Injury. The brain injury resource bags have been an asset for families, friends, patients, nurses and physicians. Allowing the families the opportunity to understand the injury and terminology has made the staff’s job at LLUMC & CH a little easier. One of the Brainstorming bags was taken by a physician of LLUMC to another state when one of his family members received a traumatic brain injury. A testimonial to the impact and power the bags deliver. The vision of Brainstorming 4 Us has proven time and again to be a gift of love hope, support and inspiration.


Michael May
Adult Trauma Nurse Coordinator
Loma Linda University Medical Center and Children’s Hospital

Categories: Testimonials

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Lisa Moss
Executive Director



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