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Brainstorming 4 Us News

Capgras Syndrome Participants Needed

  • 7 July 2014
  • Author: Lisa Moss
  • Number of views: 3569

I came across your support group/organization while doing research for a new documentary television series that seeks to raise awareness about what it is like to live with Capgras Syndrome (where individuals believe their loved ones have been replaced by identical copies) or other Delusional MisidentificationSyndromes caused by traumatic brain injuries. 

When I began my research, I assumed I would be able to find support groups for family members dealing with Capgras, which unfortunately has not been the case. I hope, perhaps, that some of these individuals have found support in broader groups like yours, since it seems to be extremely rare and not well understood, even in the medical profession. We hope to change that. 

I was very impressed by your website, the programs you offer and stories you have shared, so I wondered if you might be able to recommend any contacts or might be willing to share my information with your network. We are looking to speak with individuals who have been diagnosed with Capgras, their family members/caregivers and/or medical professionals who are knowledgable on the subject, in the hopes of bringing these people together to help one another. Ultimately, we are looking for people who might be willing to share their story with a national audience, but everything will be kept strictly confidential for research purposes only at this stage. 

I would be more than happy to provide you with further information via email or phone (212-204-2573). 

Thanks so much for your time,

Jamie Ziemba


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Lisa Moss
Executive Director



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